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Monitoring Biodiversity 


Monitoring biodiversity is an important tool in nature conservation. Long-term monitoring data is the basis for developing research to understand why change in species composition and abundance occurs, and how detrimental effects of human-induced change can be mitigated. 


To establish a basis for marine biodiversity monitoring in Águilas, students from the biology faculty of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich aimed to acquire large amounts of pictures of marine macro-organisms (particularly fish). The images were captured while snorkeling and fed into a newly generated scientific database for species identification. The long-term goal is to set up an automated species identification pipeline for citizen science projects. As part of the project, the biology students created a film to explain their work in Águilas and engage a lay audience. 


Duration 5:31 min

Video: Benedikt Atakul, Renata Baybekova, Juliana Iosif, Jacqueline Joosten,
Andreas Remmel, David Quinche

Project Leader Prof. Niels Dingemanse, Céline Oberste-Lehn

Data scientist Nadine Homeyer

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