¡vamos, simbiosis! reconnects humans to the sea through arts and science to inspire change towards a more sustainable future.

Rhythm of the Sea, choreography by Daniela Mühlbauer, inspired by marine species, 2022 More
¡vamos, simbiosis! aligns with the United Nations initiative The Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) to conserve and sustainably use marine resources.
Inspired by the principle of symbiosis, the project brings together scientists, artists, and the public to discuss and develop ideas for developing a more balanced partnership with the oceans and marine life.
Guiding principle
Our guiding principle is that actual experiences in the field are beneficial for understanding and solving problems. Discovering the ocean by observing it on-site and diving into it, is the premise to understand, feel and communicate the deep bond between humans and the sea.
Through the combination of nature experiences, scientific knowledge and artistic interpretations, artworks are created that communicate facts, yet speak to and involve people in an emotional way.
Arts and sciences
complementing each other.

Our Funders and Partners
We share the vision of sustainable oceans with committed institutions and individuals. We thank our funders the LMU Munich and Heidelberg University and are proud to work with many partners.
