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Activities 2022

¡vamos, simbiosis! 2022 is a pilot project conceptualized by the sisters Annika Guse and Stephanie Guse. Annika and Stephanie come from different disciplines, biology and art, but they share a passion for the sea and love for Águilas, where they have been spending time since they were young.
They wanted to pool their resources to benefit society and the corner of the planet in this region of Spain of which they are so fond of.

!vamos, simbiosis! 2022, Documentary by Tobias Brehmer and Axel Warnstedt, 2023, 35:52 min.

Our Funders and Partners

We share the vision of sustainable oceans with committed institutions and individuals.

We thank our funders the LMU Munich and Heidelberg University and are proud to work
with many partners.

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